This is Hash_DRBG from SP800-90A rev 1, with SHA256 as the underlying hash function.

This generator enforces a reseed_interval of 2^32-1: use cf_hash_drbg_sha256_needs_reseed() to check whether you need to reseed before use, and reseed using cf_hash_drbg_sha256_reseed(). If you try to use the generator when it thinks it needs reseeding, it will call abort.

Internally it enforces a max_number_of_bits_per_request of 2^19 bits. It sorts out chunking up multiple requests for you though, so feel free to ask for more than 2^16 bytes at a time. If you provide additional input when doing that, it is added only once, on the first subrequest.

It does not enforce any max_length or max_personalization_string_length.



Hash_DRBG with SHA256 context.


Current internal state.


Current update offset.


Current number of times entropy has been extracted from generator.


void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_init(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx, const void *entropy, size_t nentropy, const void *nonce, size_t nnonce, const void *persn, size_t npersn)

Initialises the generator state ctx, using the provided entropy, nonce and personalisation string persn.

uint32_t cf_hash_drbg_sha256_needs_reseed(const cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx)

Returns non-zero if the generator needs reseeding. If this function returns non-zero, the next cf_hash_drbg_sha256_gen() or cf_hash_drbg_sha256_gen_additional() call will call abort.

void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_reseed(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx, const void *entropy, size_t nentropy, const void *addnl, size_t naddnl)

Reseeds the generator with the given entropy and additional data addnl.

void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_gen(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx, void *out, size_t nout)

Generates pseudo-random output, writing nout bytes at out. This function aborts if the generator needs seeding.

void cf_hash_drbg_sha256_gen_additional(cf_hash_drbg_sha256 *ctx, const void *addnl, size_t naddnl, void *out, size_t nout)

Generates pseudo-random output, writing nout bytes at out. At the same time, addnl is input to the generator as further entropy. This function aborts if the generator needs seeding.


This is HMAC_DRBG from SP800-90a r1 with any hash function.

This generator enforces a reseed_interval of 2^32-1: use cf_hmac_drbg_needs_reseed() to check whether you need to reseed before use, and reseed using cf_hmac_drbg_reseed(). If you try to use the generator when it thinks it needs reseeding, it will call abort.

Internally it enforces a max_number_of_bits_per_request of 2^19 bits. It sorts out chunking up multiple requests for you though, so feel free to ask for more than 2^16 bytes at a time. If you provide additional input when doing that, it is added only once, on the first subrequest.

It does not enforce any max_length or max_personalization_string_length.



HMAC_DRBG context.


Current internal state.


Current HMAC context, with key scheduled in it.


Current number of times entropy has been extracted from generator.


void cf_hmac_drbg_init(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx, const cf_chash *hash, const void *entropy, size_t nentropy, const void *nonce, size_t nnonce, const void *persn, size_t npersn)

Initialises the generator state ctx, using the provided entropy, nonce and personalisation string persn.

uint32_t cf_hmac_drbg_needs_reseed(const cf_hmac_drbg *ctx)

Returns non-zero if the generator needs reseeding. If this function returns non-zero, the next cf_hmac_drbg_gen() or cf_hmac_drbg_gen_additional() call will call abort.

void cf_hmac_drbg_reseed(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx, const void *entropy, size_t nentropy, const void *addnl, size_t naddnl)

Reseeds the generator with the given entropy and additional data addnl.

void cf_hmac_drbg_gen(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx, void *out, size_t nout)

Generates pseudo-random output, writing nout bytes at out. This function aborts if the generator needs seeding.

void cf_hmac_drbg_gen_additional(cf_hmac_drbg *ctx, const void *addnl, size_t naddnl, void *out, size_t nout)

Generates pseudo-random output, writing nout bytes at out. At the same time, addnl is input to the generator as further entropy. This function aborts if the generator needs seeding.